Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Upcoming Zazenkai in Toledo

On December 4th, the Toledo Zen Center is holding a Zazenkai. This is a half day intensive sit that includes private interview with a teacher, a Dharma Talk and lots of meditation time. It begins with regular Sunday Service held at the center and goes forward from there.

Suggested contributions for is $35. ($25 for seniors, pledging members and young students).

A number of us from the AZMG are planning on going to this.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Extending the Practice.

The starting point and heart of authentic Zen practice is Zazen. This is inescapable. Until sitting takes root in a practitioners life, the obstacles that prevent us from manifesting the practice in our daily activities seem insurmountable.

So, we are very happy to announce that AZMG will be expanding its schedule to meet twice each month.

Although we are in silence, there is a strength in sitting together. The presence and efforts of others lends us strength on the cushion. This is a very important resource to developing home practice.

It is important to be able to sit regularly on your own, but attempting to do this in complete isolation can be very difficult. Checking in with a community can help to renew our intention and resolve.

With so many more opportunities to come and sit with our community, I hope you can take advantage of it.

See you soon.