Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taking the seat of practice.

Tonight we had the first meeting of the AZMG.  Some 16 people came out for beginning instruction in Zazen.  It was a wonderful experience to practice with everyone.  Thank you especially to Ena of Love it Yoga for the space and support.

It is a wonderful thing to meet people in this frantic day and age who are willing to just sit down and look inward.

May your life and practice go well.

Monday, September 13, 2010

We Start Next Week

We are a week away from the first meeting of the Amherstburg Zen Meditation Group.  If you are interested in coming out, September 21st is the best date.  Since we are starting that night, everyone will be receiving beginning instruction together.

Please wear loose fitting clothes.  Preferably, they should be neutral to dark in colour, without distracting text, images or patterns.

Resources on Zen

Zen is much more the media has made it in the West.  Zen practice is about how we engage each moment of our lives; the good, the neutral and the bad.  It is not, as my teacher has said "a Calgon bath for the soul".  In addition to a regular sitting practice, I would recommend that you check out the Dharma talks that are available at  thedrinkinggourd.org  OR on iTunes under the same name.