Monday, September 10, 2012


School is back in session and we are starting to see hints of cooler weather to come.  Summer is over.  All things have seasons, even practice.  This past weekend I traveled to Toledo to take part in the the opening sesshin for TZC's Ango.

Ango is a Japanese word that translates as "peaceful dwelling".  It is a time to intensify their practice.  At the core of practice is zazen, our particular form of sitting mediation.

Zazen turns the light of awareness inward, allowing us let our thought stream rest, just being what it as while we focus out attention on the breath.  Developed and trained, zazen gives us the capacity to put our mind where we want it, when we want it, for as long as we want it.  It gives us the power to unhook from being pulled around, automatically by our thoughts and our impulses.  It brings us in touch with our original nature and gives us the the chance to act and live our lives out of that state, and not just simply as a victim or product of our own conditioning.

If you already practice zazen, Ango is an opportunity to ramp up your practice a little bit.  Start simple.  If you sit 3 times a week, try making it 5.  If you have not given zazen a try, come out to see us at Love it Yoga on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Each session we do two short periods of zazen (seated meditation) and kinhin (walking mediation).  Afterwards we share a cup of tea.

If you have any questions, contact us at

Practice well.
